Sunday, August 14, 2011



這間花店是我朋友的朋友是店(心花怒放,,第一次光顧是2008年,我是非常滿意的,所是才有在2009年的第二次光顧。我並沒有想過會出甚麼問題的,直到收花的朋友告訴我那毋忘我,我才知道出了岔子 我訂的花根本沒有毋忘我!朋友把照片傳給我,我喜歡的iris沒有了,竟然換了毋忘我!



From me:
I have to say I am disappointed again.
I have no clue where the green ball has gone.
This is the second time that my order doesn’t match the description and photos. I am definitely not ordering from your shop anymore.

From the florist:
really really sorry miss p,
我們不是希望你願諒,亦不敢要你再光顧,因都是我們有錯,不過希望告知你事情經過......前晚師父發現Green Ball fell 得可緊要,我想客人收到的花一值 Fall down, 一定更不好,只好叫師父把5支粉佳人玫瑰加到10......,Green Ball not in season,供應少

From me:
I would be really surprised if a florist did not know what is not in season when I made the order. Even if you found that out later, is it that difficult to contact me and let me know what's gone wrong and let me consider ordering something else? Does a customer always have to find out from the recipient that the order is changed? It happened last time that your shop changed the flowers without telling me and I thought i reflected my dissatisfaction clearly already.

way too disappointed.

