Saturday, June 16, 2012

evie makeup remover and gentle cleansing form

我想近日最紅的護膚品牌,是evie 莫屬。evie 並非大品牌,沒有鋪天蓋地的廣告宣傳,今天的成績都是靠口碑!

evie make up remover (HK$320, 180ml) 比另一S品牌的卸妝油好多了,用後皮膚不會繃緊,可以用於普通的眼妝 (就是眼影加液狀眼線都可以)。老生常談,卸妝油並非潔面產品,卸妝之後一定要潔面!

品牌旗下有兩款潔面產品,我選了gentle cleansing foam (HK$320, 180ml) 是因為售貨員的介紹,但我已經忘了原因!雖然產品叫做cleansing foam,但因為沒有加入起泡劑,所以是不會起泡的,也就不會令皮膚繃緊。美中不足的是那個瓶口的設計不太理想,造成浪費。

品牌產品現在在mimingmart生活百貨及harvey nichols有售,價錢應該是一樣,但是在mimingmart生活百貨購買可以儲積分,harvey nichols就甚麼優惠都沒有了。

下次再談其他我使用過的evie 產品。

Sunday, June 10, 2012

my first myluxbox

the power of public relations - i read an article in iMoney which tempted me to give it a try!

definitely good news for the ladies - now we do not have to make purchases without trying a product (i am not talking about TESTING the product at the counter). you can opt for paying a small sum of money to get 4-6 samples of cosmetics and skincare products which are picked by the vendor. the size of the samples is good enough for you to use for a few times.

it's not something brand new and apart from myluxbox, where i got my "first box", there are some other vendors offering similar experience to customers and one of them is glamabox, which is founded by Lisa S. both vendors charge HK$108 per box, with some discounts if you commit for a few months or more.

the workflow is pretty straight forward - you first have to register at the website, fill in personal particulars and also skincare profile, pay for paypal, then the box will be sent to your address.

the first box that i had was for May which has 6 products in total, you can find the details here.

the box also comes with a card with details of the products in the box, and also the prices of the "real" products.

i am getting another box from myluxbox for June, and i am considering to get one from glamabox for july, so i can make comparison.

one point to note is that myluxbox has extended the offerings to men and mum & baby.